
Through a strange twist of fate, a young man embarks on a terrifying quest to the Spirit-Realms to recapture his rogue shadow and regain his humanity, armed with UDU, the Curse-Pot from hell!

On the evening of his fifteenth birthday, Uwa, the only son of a wealthy farmer, is cursed and banished from the village by The Nshi Sisters, three high priestesses to the gods. Left an outcast, he must seek and find his missing shadow before he can reclaim his humanity, his birthright, and citizenship. Burdened with the UDU, a fetish clay-pot filled with deadly curses, Uwa embarks on a dangerous quest to find his missing shadow, which is imprisoned within Earth-Mother’s realm, but to get there he must battle more than just the demons from the spirit realm…

UDU is an African Fantasy/Magical-Realism tale of betrayals, heroic quests, vengeance, and supreme triumph.


Title: UDU: The Curse Pot
Genre: African Fantasy/Magical realism
Word Count: 85.000
Planning: end of 2022
Proposition: Something Evil Comes This Way by Ray Bradbury, Kafka on The Shore by Haruki Murakami
Rights: all rights available
Author: Nuzo Onoh

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