Talabi’s short fiction has made him a finalist for the Caine Prize, the Locus Award, and the Nommo Award. He is currently shortlisted for the British Science Fiction Association and Nebula Awards. His work Shigidi and the Brasshead of will get published in the US with ASTRA Publishing, in the UK with Gollanzc Publishers in August 2023.
TALABI is an engineer, writer, and editor from Nigeria. His fiction has appeared in speculative fiction magazines and anthologies globally and has been translated into 3 languages. He has been shortlisted for several major awards including the Caine Prize for African Writing and the Nommo Award, which he won twice – in 2018 (for The Regression Test) and 2020 (for Incompleteness Theories). He has edited three anthologies and co-written a play. His debut collection of stories, Incomplete Solutions, was published in 2019 by Luna Press. He likes scuba diving, elegant equations and oddly shaped things. He currently lives and works in Malaysia.
Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon
Convergence Problems
Incomplete Solutions
Mothersound, the Sauutiverse Anthology
God’s Eye